be unconscious of them, other people are fully aware of them and react to them, just as they are aware of the shadow cast by our body in the sunlight, while we walk along oblivious to it. That is why we sometimes have difficulties understanding their roadtions to us. We are unable to see everything they are reacting to. That is why it is necessary for us to become, and to remain, conscious of these qualities so we can keep an eye on them and not let them operate to our detriment. Perhaps we may never be able to get rid of the offending characteristics but at least we can make sure they do not constantly trip us up in our blindness. Apropos is this quotation from D.T. Suzuki, one of our greatest interpreters of Eastern philosophy. "No matter how insistently the blind may deny the existence of the sun, they cannot annihilate it."

Projection is but one way to determine what we are really like. deep inside. There are others, such as the dreams and fantasies we all have, but these are far too complicated to go into hero.


There are other things we can do to discover more about the nysteries and wonders of the unconscious. One of these is the nanner in which we deal with our feelings. Very frequently when we ask ourselves how we feel about something and the response that wants to come from within is a negative one, or one we think is bad or what is considered bad, we tend to fight the feeling, to deny it or reject it. We must think of feelings as зnergy pushing up from a source unknown to us. As long as wo fight the feelings that come to us they'll stay as they are and fight right back. Even though we might succeed in repressing them for the moment, they will return again and again until they are accepted for what they are. Once so accepted, they #ill change of their own accord. But they will never change until we have accepted them fully into consciousness. If we think of the feeling function as an ever on-going process energized from within, we can realize that to try to prevent a feeling from coming through as it really is just stymies the ›rocess and fixates the growth of the individual at that particular level. When we wpeak of the growth of an individual, ve aré really referring to the growth and changing of his feelings. This kind of growth cannot occur unless we permit it to. Denying real feelings is denying the chance to change and grow. Thenever we search for our true feelings and a negative or bad